Katerina Moskaleva
她敏感而技术精湛的演奏中融合了传奇的俄罗斯和德国钢琴学派。毕业于莫斯科著名的格涅辛音乐学院,荣誉毕业后,Katerina前往汉堡和法兰克福的音乐大学继续深造。在她早期职业生涯中,Oliver Kern,Lilya Zilberstein,Hans Peter Stenzl,Helmut Deutsch,Angelika Merkle等人对她产生了重要影响。Katerina曾赢得多个奖项,如“施坦威钢琴比赛”、“国际汉斯·冯·比洛夫钢琴比赛”、“西北国际钢琴合奏比赛”和“Ostracised音乐比赛”。
她与钢琴二重奏组合TWO4PIANO曾在圣彼得堡的“艺术冠军比赛”中获奖,并在里斯本的“葡萄牙艺术狂欢节”上获得了“GRAND PRIX”大奖。
凭借他们的音乐视频作品《RENDEZVOUS - Hommage to Astor Piazzola 》(向阿斯托尔·皮亚佐拉致敬),这个成功的二重奏组合被提名为2021年柏林Opus Klassik“年度新秀”奖项。
A combination of the legendary Russian and German schools of piano can be heard in her sensitive and technically brilliant playing. After graduating with honours from the prestigious Gnesin Academy of Music in Moscow, Katerina attended the music universities of Hamburg and Frankfurt. Important influences in her early career included Oliver Kern, Lilya Zilberstein, Hans Peter Stenzl, Helmut Deutsch and Angelika Merkle, amongst others. Katerina has won several awards, such as the "Steinway Piano Competition“, the "International Hans von Bülow Competition“, the "North West International Piano Ensemble Competition“ and the "Ostracised Music Competition“.
Katerina’s piano duo TWO4PIANO won prizes at the “Art Champion Competition in St. Petersburg, the GRAND PRIX at the “Portugal Art Carnival in Lisbon.
With their music video, “RENDEZVOUS - Hommage to Astor Piazzola, the successful duo were nominated for the Opus Klassik in Berlin in the category “Young Talent of the Year 2021.
The pianist has performed extensively in Europe, Russia, Israel and Canada at internationally renowned venues, eg. Konzerthaus Berlin, Alte Oper Frankfurt or Laeiszhalle Hamburg and also as a guest performer at numerous festivals, eg. Rheingau Musik Festival (Germany), SoundSCAPE Festival (Italy), and Musik på Bosjökloster (Sweden).
This year she is in
Katerina further demonstrates her prodigious artistic potential with dance and theatre projects and as a well sought-after teacher at her studio PIANOROOM in Frankfurt.
Marta Alvarez
Marta Alvarez于1995年出生于西班牙。自 2022 年以来,她是德国法兰克福广播乐团的巴松演奏员(黑森广播电台交响乐团)。
8岁时,她在西班牙托莱多的Jacinto Guerrero音乐学院开始了她的第一次音乐学习,然后在2013年,她继续在西班牙马德里的皇家高级音乐学院学习。多年后,为了完成学业,她移居德国,在慕尼黑音乐与戏剧学院师从Dag Jensen教授。为了继续深造,她于 2023 年在瑞士苏黎世艺术大学开始攻读第二个巴松硕士学位,师从Matthias Racz教授。
Marta Alvarez was born in Spain in 1995. Since 2022 she is the second bassoon with contrabassoon in the Frankfurt Radio Orchestra, Gemany. ( Hessischer Rundfunk Sinfonie Orchester).
At the age of 8 she took up her first musical studies at the Conservatoire Jacinto Guerrero, Toledo, Spain and then in 2013 she continued in the Real Conservatorio Superior de Musica in Madrid, Spain .
Years later, to finish her studies, she moved to Germany to study with Professor Dag Jensen at the Hoschschule für Musik und Theater in Munich. In the order to further her studies, in 2023 she started a second bassoon master’s degree at the Zurich University of the Arts, Switzerland with Professor Matthias Racz.
Furthermore she collaborated with several professional orchestras in Europe: Radio of Spain Orchestra , Philarmoniker München Orchestra , Luzerne Sinfonie Orchestra , Tonhalle Orchestra , Zürcher Kammerorchester ,Gotemburg Sinfonie Orchestra.
Minho Lee
毕业于韩国延世大学,后毕业于柏林"Hanns Eisler"音乐学院,师从Klaus Thunemann教授和Volker Tessmann教授。
2018年青岛巴松艺术节嘉宾;曾演奏完整维瓦尔第协奏曲(37首作品,8场音乐会); 在国际双簧管协会举办独奏音乐会和大师班;在德国、美国、中国、日本、中国台湾、中国香港等地举办独奏音乐会和大师班;瑞士苏黎世音乐厅管弦乐团、德国汉堡交响乐团客座巴松首席;与柏林爱乐木管重奏室内乐同台演出;任教于韩国各专业艺术院校,包括首尔大学、延世大学、韩国国立大学、汉阳大学、庆熙大学、首尔艺术高中、首尔艺术中学、信和艺术高中、信和艺术中学等。
Min Ho Lee -Yonsei University in Korea Graduation -Musikhochschule Berlin 'Hanns Eisler' Diplom (Klaus Thunemann, Volker Tessmann) -2006 Markneukirchen Competition Semifinalist -2018 Markneukirchen Competition Judge -2023 Muri Competition Judge -2018 Tsingtao Bassoon Festival Artist -Playing the whole Vivaldi Concerto (37 pieces, 8 Concert) -IDRS recital and masterclass -German, USA, China, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong etc. recital and masterclass -Ton Halle Orchestra gast principal, Hamburg symphony Orchestra gast Principal -chambermusic with Berlin Philharmonic woodwinds players -Seoul University, Yonsei University, Korean National University, Hanyang University, kyonghee University, seoul arts High school, seoul arts middle school, sunhwa arts high school, sunhwa arts middle school etc.
Marc Engelhardt
Marc Engelhardt于1961出生在德国拉德福瓦尔德。先后在科隆师从Günter Pfitzenmaier教授,在汉诺威师从Klaus Thunemann教授学习。Marc曾是德意志青年爱乐交响乐团和欧盟青年管弦乐团的成员,在那里他与指挥家克劳迪奥·阿巴多(Claudio Abbado)和伦纳德·伯恩斯坦(Leonard Bernstein)等合作。
1986年,他曾担任原萨尔布吕肯广播交响乐团的首席巴松,在慕尼黑巴戈利亚广播交响乐团(BR)、汉堡广播交响乐团(NDR)、科隆西德广播交响乐团(WDR)、法兰克福广播交响乐团(HR)、巴姆贝格交响乐团(Bamberg Symphony)、不来梅德意志室内爱乐乐团(Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen)以及汉堡国家歌剧院任客座巴松首席,与郑明勋Myung-Whun Chung,Sir Colin Davis,Paavo Järv,Christoph Eschenbach,Manfred Honec,Semyon Bychkov等指挥家合作。作为室内乐艺术家,曾与小号演奏家Matthias Höfs,萨克斯演奏家Daniel Schnyder,Fagottissimo Stuttgart等深度合作。
自上世纪90年代中期以来,Marc在萨尔布吕肯音乐学院(Hochschule für Musik Saar)以及斯图加特音乐学院(University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart)任教,自2001年,被任命为斯图加特音乐学院的教授,现还担任第二教学部(管乐与打击乐、弦乐与拨弦乐、爵士与流行)主任,并在德国科学委员会(German Science Council)担任鉴定专家。
Marc Engelhardt was born in Radevormwald in 1961. During his studies, Marc received music lessons from professor Günter Pfitzenmaier in Cologne, which was followed by him studying with professor Klaus Thunemann in Hannover. At first, Marc was a member of the Junge Deutsche Philharmonie and the European Community Youth Orchestra where he played with conductors like Claudio Abbado and Leonard Bernstein. In 1986, he was committed as principal bassoonist in the former Radio Symphony Orchestra of Saarbrücken. In this position he has also played with the Radio Symphony Orchestras of Munich (BR), Hamburg (NDR), Cologne (WDR), Frankfurt (HR), the Bamberg Symphony, the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen and the Hamburg State Opera with conductors like Myung-Whun Chung, Sir Colin Davis, Paavo Järvi, Christoph Eschenbach, Manfred Honeck and Semyon Bychkov. His chamber music expertise is strongly shaped by his connections with trumpet player Matthias Höfs, saxophonist Daniel Schnyder, the Stuttgart Academy, and the ensemble Fagottissimo Stuttgart.
Since the mid-90s, Marc has been granted lecturships at the Hochschule für Musik Saar as well as the University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart. He has established successful classes at both universities. In 2001, Marc was appointed professor at the University of Music and Performing arts Stuttgart, where he has been working full-time since 2007. Moreover, he is also the dean of his faculty and works as an appraiser for the German Science Council.
His master classes and his activity as a jury member have taken him around the world to France, Russia, Poland, Japan, China, South-Korea, Switzerland, and the United States of America. As a soloist, he has been performing with the RSO Saarbrücken, the State Philharmonic Orchestra Ludwigshafen, the Sonderjyllands Symphony Orchestra, the Sudecka Philharmonic, and the chamber orchestras of Cologne and Heilbronn among many others. His core repertoire consits of classical bassoon concertos by Vivaldi, Mozart, Hummel, Weber, and Berwald, but also various debut performances.
Martin Kuuskmann
多次获得格莱美提名的爱沙尼亚籍巴松演奏家Martin Kuuskmann,以其充满魅力和威严的表演在世界各地赢得了声誉,被誉为当今领先的独奏演奏家之一。
Kuuskmann毕业于曼哈顿音乐学院和耶鲁音乐学院,他的导师包括Stephen Maxym,Frank Morelli,Rufus Olivier,Vernon Read。作为独奏家,Kuuskmann与许多世界领先的管弦乐团合作演出,包括MDR莱比锡广播交响乐团、瑞士罗曼德国家交响乐团、爱沙尼亚国家交响乐团、美国作曲家管弦乐团、圣卢克室内乐团、智利国家交响乐团、塔林室内乐团,指挥家包括Neeme, Paavo and Kristjan Järvi, Robert Spano, Tõnu Kaljuste, Mihhail Gertz,等,演出地点包括卡内基音乐厅、林肯中心和肯尼迪中心、圣保罗音乐厅等世界各地的音乐厅。 Kuuskmann演奏的曲目广泛,其中涵盖了传统作品以及由当今一些杰出作曲家专门为他创作的十二首协奏曲,包括 Christopher Theofanidis, Erkki Sven Tüür, Tõnu Kõrvits, David Chesky, Eino Tamberg, Miguel Kertsman等。2018年,他与伦敦爱乐乐团录制了克茨曼协奏曲。 Kuuskmann因其多才多艺而备受赞誉,他与爵士乐巨匠John Patitucci, Joe Zawinul密切合作,最近在与钢琴家/作曲家Jovino Santos Neto合作巴西音乐项目。Kuuskmann备受称赞的独奏专辑由ERP、Simax、Erdenklang和Chesky Records发行。他最近的协奏曲专辑包括备受期待的西奥法尼迪斯协奏曲,并获得了2017年格莱美奖“最佳当代作品”类别的提名。作为备受欢迎的室内乐演奏家,Kuuskmann经常受邀担任柏林爱乐乐团的柏林室内乐团和柏林管风琴乐团的客座成员和独奏家。自2011年以来,Kuuskmann一直是由Paavo Järvi.指挥的爱沙尼亚音乐节管弦乐团的首席巴松。
Kuuskmann是Bernd Moosmann巴松、Miller Marketing Company和Legere哨片的签约艺术家。
Multiple Grammy-nominated Estonian-born bassoon virtuoso, Martin Kuuskmann’s charismatic and commanding performances throughout the world have earned him repute as one of todays leading solo instrumentalists. A graduate of Manhattan and Yale School of Music, Kuuskmann’s mentors include Stephen Maxym, Frank Morelli, Rufus Olivier and Vernon Read. As soloist Kuuskmann has performed with many of the worlds leading orchestras including MDR Leipzig Radio Symphony Orchestra, Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, American Composers Orchestra, St. Lukes Chamber Orchestra, National Orchestra of Chile, Tallinn Chamber Orchestra, under conductors such as Neeme, Paavo and Kristjan Järvi, Robert Spano, Tõnu Kaljuste, Mihhail Gertz, and in worldwide concert halls including Carnegie Hall, Lincoln and Kennedy Centers, Sala Sao Paulo. Kuuskmann's exceptionally wide repertoire spans from traditional works to twelve concertos written especially for him by some of todays leading composers including Christopher Theofanidis, Erkki Sven Tüür, Tõnu Kõrvits, David Chesky, Eino Tamberg, Miguel Kertsman. In 2018 he will be recording the Kertsman concerto with the London Philharmonic Orchestra. Praised for his versatility Kuuskmann has closely collaborated with jazz luminaries John Patitucci, Joe Zawinul, and is currently working on a Brazilian music project with the pianist/composer Jovino Santos Neto. Kuuskmann’s acclaimed solo cd’s are available on ERP, Simax, Erdenklang and Chesky Records. His recent concerto CD includes the much awaited concerto by Theofanidis, and was nominated for the 2017 Grammy in the “Best Contemporary Composition” category. As an in demand chamber musician Kuuskmann has often been invited as a guest member and soloist with the Berlin Philharmonic’s Ensemble Berlin and the Berlin Philharmonic Winds. Since 2011 Kuuskmann has been the principal bassoonist of the Estonian Festival Orchestra led by Paavo Järvi.
Kuuskmann in a Professor of Bassoon at University of Denver Lamont School of Music, and previously taught at the Manhattan School of Music An avid educator, Kuuskmann regularly gives masterclasses in worldwide festivals and universities. Since 2010 he has been working closely with the Berlin based Baltic Sea Philharmonic as their woodwind coach. Kuuskmann is an artist of Bernd Moosmann bassoons, Miller Marketing Company and Legere Reeds.
Olena Pavlova
Olena Pavlova-乌克兰钢琴家,波兰克拉科夫音乐学院钢琴艺术指导教师,在2009-2012年间,她工作于敖德萨国家爱乐乐团,并与国家歌剧乐团合作。2008-2019年,她在母校担任圆号班的钢琴艺术指导,她为很多圆号学生准备世界著名的比赛,包括慕尼黑ARD比赛和马克诺伊基兴国际音乐比赛。近些年她曾与Will Sanders, David Johnson, Willy Bessems, Guido Corti, Bernardo Silva, Jose Asensi, Adalto Soares, Saar Berger等圆号演奏家在圆号大师班合作,并受邀在德国和波兰的国际圆号周大师班上担任钢琴伴奏。作为室内乐钢琴家,她曾参与录制5张CD,并首演了乌克兰作曲家的作品。
Olena Pavlova – pianist, born and raised in Odessa / Ukraine, earned her music master degree and did postgraduate studies at the Academy of Music at her family city. Between 2009-2012 she was the pianist of the National Philharmonic in Odessa, and has also cooperated with the National Opera Orchestra. In the years 2008-2019 she was working as piano accompanist at her mother academy, working mainly with the horn class. She was preparing students for world prestigious competitions, inclusive ARD in Munich and Markneukirchen. Since 2019 she lives and works in Krakow / Poland, where she is piano accompanist at the Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music. Over the years she has worked with hornplayers on masterclasses given by: Will Sanders, David Johnson, Willy Bessems, Guido Corti, Bernardo Silva, Jose Asensi, Adalto Soares, Saar Berger among others and was invited to play piano on the International Hornweek Masterclaas in Germany and Poland. As chamber pianist she took part in recording of 5 CDs, and was premiering pieces by Ukrainian composers. Olena Pavlova is a pianist who has got on competitions several times distinction for high level of piano accompanying.
Philipp Tutzer
在他的家乡意大利博尔扎诺的音乐学院跟随Claudio Alberti教授学习巴松。之后他继续于维也纳师从Stepan Turnovsky教授和汉诺威师从Dag Jensen教授的指导下深造。在学习期间,曾是欧洲青年管弦乐团(EUYO)和德国青年交响乐团(GMJO)的成员,还参加了由Klaus Thunemann教授和Sergio Azzolini教授的大师班。
他曾在杜塞尔多夫的“AEOLUS”、罗维雷托的“AUDI MOZART”、汉诺威的“KURT ALTEN”以及尤其是2008年在慕尼黑举办的ARD比赛中获奖,这些奖项为他赢得了独奏家的职位,其中包括在柏林爱乐乐团、萨尔茨堡音乐节和维也纳音乐协会等地的演出。
自2007年以来Philipp Tutzer一直担任萨尔茨堡莫扎特管弦乐团的首席巴松,并曾担任慕尼黑爱乐乐团、萨尔茨堡室内乐团、慕尼黑室内乐团、鹿特丹爱乐乐团、汉堡北德广播交响乐团和柏林爱乐乐团等客座首席。
Philipp Tutzer在林茨布鲁克纳艺术大学教授任教,并定期举办大师班,如在萨尔茨堡的莫扎特夏季学院。
Philipp Tutzer learned to play the bassoon with Prof. Claudio Alberti at the Conservatory in his hometown of Bolzano. He continued his studies with Prof. Stepan Turnovsky in Vienna and Prof. Dag Jensen in Hanover. During his education he obtained important impulses as a member of the renowned youth orchestras EUYO and GMJO, as well as in master classes with Klaus Thunemann and Sergio Azzolini.
He won prizes at competitions such as the "AEOLUS" in Düsseldorf, the "AUDI MOZART" in Rovereto, the "KURT ALTEN" in Hanover and above all at the ARD Competition 2008 in Munich, which led to engagements as a soloist, among others at the Berlin Philharmonic, the Salzburg Festival and the Vienna Musikverein.
Since 2007 Philipp Tutzer has been principal bassoonist in the Mozarteum Orchestra Salzburg and has made guest appearances with the Munich Philharmonic, the Camerata Salzburg, the Munich Chamber Orchestra, the Rotterdam Philharmonisch Orkest, the NDR Hamburg and the Berlin Philharmonic.
Philipp Tutzer teaches at the Anton Bruckner Private University in Linz and regularly gives master classes, such as at the Mozarteum Salzburg Summer Academy.
SeoYoung Mun
文舒英(SeoYoung Mun)12岁开始学习Bassoon,13岁进入仙和艺术初中,之后自行退学,然后在Bassoon方面一直接受崔虎俊(HoJoon Choi)老师的指导。
此外,2022年7月韩国平昌音乐节上,德国慕尼黑音乐大学教授Dag Jensen选拔了3名韩国学生进入大师班。文舒英顺利通过了选拔,并获得了该教授的指导。
参加过Dag Jensen, Stefan Schwiegert, Matthias Rácz, Ole Kristian Dahl, Guatavo Núñez, Riccardo Terzo, Axel Benoit, Phillip Tutzer. 等众多名师的大师班。
SeoYoung Mun started to learn the bassoon at the age of 12, entered Sunhwa Art Middle School at 13 and dropped out of school, and she has gotten a tutorial in the bassoon from Teacher HoJoon Choi.
And she passed the audition that 3 Korean students were selected by Master Class of Professor Dag Jensen at University of Music and Performing Arts Munich in the Music in PyeogChang in July 2022 and had a masterclass with him.
She passed the national qualification exams for middle and high school and early did the entrance examination for the Korean National University of Arts in November 2023.
The university awarded a scholarship by selecting 2 students with superior grades of the performance test in woodwind instruments of the entrance examination and she was selected as the scholarship student. And she was selected as a scholarship student by the Gonjiam Music Festival Foundation and has been sponsored by it and played the bassoon with the Busan Philharmonic Orchestra on June 12, 2024.
For her competition career, she won the first prize in the competitions of the Journal of Music, the Music Education News, the Classical Music Magazine, and the Kukmin Daily & Hansei University Music and gave a recital in the Kumho Prodigy Concert by passing the Kumho Prodigy Audition in 2023.
She won the Young Artist Prize in the Muri Competition in Switzerland in April 2023, the second prize in the International Double Reed Society Norma Hooks Young Artis International Competition, the competition that those who are under 22 years of age can participate in, in July 2023. The first prize as the youngest player who was 16 years old in the Busan MBC Music Concours, the competition that those who are from 15 to 32 years old can do, in May 2024, and the third prize in the contest that the first prize winners by field competed.
For master classes, she studied under Dag Jensen, Stefan Schwiegert, Matthias Racz, Ole Kristian Dahl, Guatavo Nunez, Riccardo Terzo, Axel Benoit, Phillip Tutzer, and Akio Koyama.
Samuel Seidenberg
Samuel Seidenberg 于 1978 年出生于德国阿尔特⻢克的奥斯特堡。 他从 13 岁开始就读于波茨坦 音乐学校跟随Jürgen Runge 学习圆号,直到高中毕业于柏林音乐特殊高中“C.-Ph.-E.Bach。 在此期间,他跟随 Kurt Palm 教授学习,1999 年在柏林“Hanns Eisler”音乐学院跟随Christian- Friedrich Dallmann 教授学习,并在曼海姆音乐学院获得文凭。1998 年到 2018 年,从最早担任众 多交响乐团首席圆号,如慕尼黑乐爱乐乐团,柏林德意志交响乐团,纽伦堡爱乐乐团、班⻉格交响 乐团,最后成为法兰克福广播交响乐团终身首席圆号。在他这段乐团职业生涯中无数的录音和直 播,⻅证了今天他独特的音乐创造力。
Samuel Seidenberg 于 2003 年获得德国音乐委员会的奖学金,2004年在日内瓦国际音乐比赛中获 奖。作为独奏家,他曾在指挥家 Paavo Järvi、Sebastian Weigle 和 Jonathan Nott 手下与 法兰克 福广播交响乐团,班⻉格交响乐团和布拉格爱乐乐团合作。他与 Sebastian Weigle 指挥的 法兰克 福广播 交响乐团一起录制了理查施特劳斯和弗朗茨施特劳斯的圆号协奏曲CD,并于 2014 年发布, 得到了媒体和公众的积极反响。直到 2020 年,他还⻓期与柏林爱乐乐团和柏林国家管弦乐团合作 演出,以著名独奏家身份受邀在世界知名音乐厅如悉尼,维也纳,巴黎,纽约表演,更在不同编制 的室内乐中活跃乐坛。作为教授,他任教于德国曼海姆国立音乐与表演艺术大学,他的学生包括现 在波兰华沙国家大剧院圆号首席,上海交响乐团圆号演奏家,浙江音乐学院圆号教授等等。Samuel Seidenberg一直是国际上广受欢迎的艺术家和老师,并担任各大音乐节和比赛的评委。
Samuel Seidenberg was born in 1978 in Osterburg in the Altmark region. After initially studying horn with Jürgen Runge at the Potsdam Music School, he attended the Special Music High School "C.Ph.E. Bach" in Berlin from the age of 13 until he graduated.
During this time, he received horn lessons from Professor Kurt Palm and Professor Christian-Friedrich Dallmann, with whom he began studying music at the Musikhochschule Hanns Eisler in 1999. He successfully completed his diploma at the Musikhochschule Mannheim.
From 1998 to 2018, he served as principal horn player with the Munich Philharmonic, the German Symphony Orchestra Berlin, the Nuremberg Philharmonic, the Bamberg Symphony, and most recently with the HR-Sinfonieorchester in Frankfurt am Main. Countless recordings and live streams were produced during this time, showcasing his unique musical talent.
Samuel Seidenberg was a scholarship holder of the German Music Council in 2003 and won the International Music Competition in Geneva in 2004.
As a soloist, he has performed under conductors such as Paavo Järvi, Sebastian Weigle, and Jonathan Nott with orchestras such as the HR-Sinfonieorchester, the Bamberg Symphony, and the Prague Philharmonic.
With the HR-Sinfonieorchester under Sebastian Weigle, he recorded his debut CD featuring the horn concertos of Richard and Franz Strauss, which was released in 2014 and received very positive reviews from both the press and the audience.
据外媒4月7日报道,近日,美国宇航局宣布发现了迄今为止拥有最热的行星大气。火星上的天气一直以恶劣著称,不管是昼夜巨大的温度差还是各种雨雪沙尘暴,所造成的后果远比地球上严重(1623)人阅读时间:2022-04-09人民日报、中新网评吴亦凡被刑拘 成为明星前,请先成为合格的人
成为明星前,请先成为合格的人中新网评论:成为明星前,请先成为合格的人本文转自【中国新闻网】;【成为明星前,请先成为合格的人】31日,北京警方发布消息,吴亦凡因涉嫌强奸罪,已被依法(1569)人阅读时间:2021-08-01机场停留5分钟被感染是真的吗 南京禄口机场属于哪里管辖的
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2021去北京西站会被隔离吗 8月北京会全员核酸检查吗